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c є ▪ ℓ ([info]mythomania) wrote in [info]valesco,
Christopher's birthday had been going quite, by many standards. His family had owled over their gifts (his mother's attached with a small note indicating how these robes would most definitely attract any woman that was worthy to be noticed by the Loftus family standard: little did she know he had no intent whatsoever of marrying anytime soon), all of them perfectly acceptable. Except his sister's gift, of course, which he had promptly thrown out, like all the others, but Christopher chose to purge it from his memory as to not ruin the day. So it didn't surprise him when he heard a knock on his door, people always felt sentimental value when it came to birthdays, showing their 'love' through floo calls, visits and what not.

Therefore, Christopher opened the door, fully expecting to see a family member-- unfortunately not this family member. He felt his stomach instantly drop at the sight of Juliana, and even more so when his eyes laid on the white bundle in her arms. His... daughter. That was already showing signs of having dark hair, not blonde like he had been hoping. Wonderful.

"Juliana," Christopher greeted through his clenched jaw, fighting off the urge to act inhospitably. "Please, come in." He stepped back, holding the door wide for easy passage. She was here to torture him, wasn't she? That was all she use to do, and now that the baby was here.... she could do as damn well she pleased. "What a pleasant surprise."

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