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「ℐuliana → †ravers」 ([info]kiska) wrote in [info]valesco,
The tense reaction from Christopher was everything that Juliana had hoped for and more. She could feel his inner battle about whether to let her in or slam the door in her face just from being near him, and his visible discomfort only caused her grin to grow. Not that it mattered--why should she try to hide the reason she was there when they already both knew it? Clearly he wasn't going to kick out the mother of his child... or at least not his daughter.

"Don't mind if I do," she answered, slipping inside. Despite that the door was wide open, Jules made a point of it to brush her cousin on the way in--a movement which, unfortunately, caused the baby in her arms to stir from her slumber. Mischa's eyes blinked open drowsily and a cry burst almost instantly from her lips at what Juliana assumed were the unnatural surroundings. Or maybe just that someone other than her nanny (who might has well have been her real mother) was the one carrying her around.

Smile dropping quickly, Jules glared down. "Oh, for fuck's sake," she muttered, before trying awkwardly to lift the baby to her shoulder and calm her down. "It's Daddy's birthday, Mischa, why don't you give him a smile?"

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