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c є ▪ ℓ ([info]mythomania) wrote in [info]valesco,
Yes, that confirmed it, she was definitely here to inflict any sort of pain possible on him. And for what reason, he might add? They hadn't spoke in months, nor had he even tried to make contact before or after she had given birth... what could she possibly want from him? He was sending her funds, which they both knew she immediately threw out (though really, knowing Juliana, she just might have kept it), so---

It really wasn't necessary for her to get that close to him.

Christopher clutched the door tighter as he glared at the back of her head, taking his sweet time to turn and close it. Taking a silent breath, he collected himself before turning back to the now crying baby. A sound which he thought would never be heard in his apartment, but their was an unfortunate time for everything, wasn't there?

He felt his eye give an uncontrollable twitch at the word 'Daddy,' and stop up straighter once she was finished speaking. As much as he wanted to reject this child as his own, it was becoming increasingly harder to. "Trouble, Jules?" Christopher managed to muse, finding only slight amusement in the fact that it was obvious she was having trouble. He made no movement to help, and instead spread his arm out to the next room, directing her toward the living room. "How nice of you to stop by to drop of this--- present."

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