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c є ▪ ℓ ([info]mythomania) wrote in [info]valesco,
Mhm. There was that feeling again, the one that he usually felt before he decided to dispose of someone that was particularly--- well, at lot of things that made him want to make a person disappear. But unfortunately, Christopher knew that he couldn't lay even one finger on Juliana. So, he was unfortunately left to deal with her with what little patience he possessed.

"What would you have me do, exactly?" Christopher replied in a vicious tone, finding it extremely easy to speak to to his cousin this way. "Daily visits to your house? Make a spectacle about how interested I am in you and her? Or something that equally would cause attention? Or perhaps I should just publicly endorse her, letting everyone know who the real father is. Is that what you want?" He continued to stand looking down at her, his usually placid face now burning.

He sent money to her to avoid this exact reason. Despite how much he didn't want to be in this child's life, it was out of respect for his family that he sent Juliana funds. Wasn't that enough acknowledgement for her? He would have thought so.

"Do you have an actual reason for bringing this up? Or do you just feel like being trivial today?"

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