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c є ▪ ℓ ([info]mythomania) wrote in [info]valesco,
He couldn't help himself, nothing less of an uncontrolled vicious snarl came from Christopher's mouth. He was not going to apologize to a baby that wouldn't understand English for another year. There was no need; Juliana simply wanted him to submit to her. Which he would not. She would have to kill him first.

"I'm not apologizing," Christopher retorted, refusing to move from the awkward stance Juliana had forced upon him. He had gone a long while now ignoring the fact that he had an illegitimate daughter, so why start now? It would be different if from the beginning Juliana had showed interest in him being involved... not that that would have been possible, anyway. But it still would have put them in a completely different situation that they were in now.

"Anything else?" he asked briskly, now stretching his arms out to Juliana for her to take the baby back. Christopher held her at a safe distance, the baby's feat dangling. And if she wasn't going to take her back, he would just put her somewhere else. Like the ground.

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