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rebecca c. abercrombie ([info]rebeccas) wrote in [info]valesco,
"I am a very good problem solver."

There were times when Rebecca refused to fall for little tricks and things like that, but it was perfectly all right when she was doing the initiating. Rebecca dipped forward and deepened the kiss, glad to be in a comfortable position to do so. This was a position they'd found themselves in often---not that! They had not had sex, but seeing that the on-call room was the easiest place to find some peace and quiet it---Rebecca pushed her mental fluster away and focused on the more important matters at hand.

Like snogging the life out of her boyfriend. Oh, it still felt so very good to think, and while Rebecca managed to keep a very composed position on the whole matter, in her mind and behind shut doors she couldn't help but fantasize about the loveliness it was to have a boyfriend. She was a very hard headed girl, but she supposed love made her absolutely loopy.

Love! Well. She did not know if she was there yet, but it was something to that affect that made her want to snog this man at every opportunity.

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