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Fredrick Catchlove : Squib ([info]fredrick) wrote in [info]valesco,
Fredrick was enjoying all of the attention. Normally, it was him fretting over his sisters doing something seriously stupid (i.e. getting pregnant) and nagging their heads off. Now, it was his turn to be fussed about. It was fun. He liked having a go at them from this angle, to see how it felt when someone was infuriatingly stubborn. Of course, this had been going for longer than he wanted and if Stefana asked to fluff his pillows one more time... Well, he'd just have to let her and then whine about moving around. They were wearisome.

Not-so-surprisingly, his wife came to save him. Bless her! Fredrick grinned wide as he watched her crawl onto the bed, which was rather sexy, he had to admit. And her question made him laugh.

"'Course!" he crowed. "Greta had to force them down me throat. Tasted awful. I don't think I'll be staying on those for long. Don't care what the Healer says."

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