phoebe ❀
23 March 1979 @ 01:11 am
After begging, and pleading, and sneaking, and just being miserable and on the brink of tears, her father had finally given in and granted Phoebe permission to visit Elphias. Of course, she had to take some potions, wear a mask, and Phoebe seriously had to throw down the big orange suit her dad had demanded she wear and it was---just wrong. No. Seriously? No. She could deal with the mask, because that's what happened with patients, but--

"Ohhh," she let out when she finally entered his room. Goodness gracious, this was horrible! She couldn't help Elphias at all and he looked so sick and so tired and Phoebe wondered if he even wanted to see her. Maybe he just wanted to be by himself, Merlin, she knew she would---well, no. She'd want Elphias to visit her. And, honestly, she would've earlier if her dad wasn't such a nutcase with all of this, but when you were high up on the healer list you could do things that made it near impossible to sneak it, but. They went back to school tomorrow! She couldn't leave without saying goodbye to Elphias, or telling him to get better.

Phoebe slowly made her way to the bed, sitting in a chair by his side. Ohhh, she couldn't cry. She couldn't cry. Stop being stupid! Seriously! He's going to think you're nutters! "Hi."
Grayson Wilkes
23 March 1979 @ 07:04 pm
It seemed that the Dark Lord had a problem with a certain newspaper and their anti-war ads. They weren't the sort of ads that Grayson approved of: those were the 'stop the war and let the Death Eaters win' ads of which there were regrettably few. He grinned to himself and slipped on his mask, stepping into the factory where the man was located. It wouldn't be hard to spot him if the descriptions of the guy were anything to go off of.

He slipped on his gloves and walked over to one of the printing presses, muttering a simple spell to place it out of alignment 'accidentally' the next time it was used. Yes, that would do for now. As much as it irritated him to have to leave something like this to such a short frame of time, he'd gotten his orders.

Unfortunately they didn't involve 'maiming-to-kill'. Ah well.

Couldn't win them all.
Berkeley Damian Darcy
23 March 1979 @ 09:03 pm
Backdated to the 19th  
Who: Amelia Bones-Doge (:]) and Berkeley Doge
What: Late night after party musings
Where: Their bedroom (totally G, you pervs)

For an auror, he had a lot of small, awkward tendencies )
e m m e l i n e ♔
23 March 1979 @ 11:19 pm
Who: Emmeline Vance and Caradoc Dearborn
What: Train station antics? idk
Where: King's Cross, Monday morning (a little early, shut up I've been waiting like five days)
Note: Sigh I never get to use these icons lmao

You don't really need to go )