Orion Sinistra
11 September 1979 @ 12:45 am
Who: Gilderoy Lockhart and Elsie Branstone
What: First date, and...well, you'll see.
Where: Viva Lombardi's ---> Gilderoy's apartment
When: Last night, around 7
Rating: PG-13

So tell me…are you feeling adventurous? )
h e n r y
11 September 1979 @ 11:46 am
Lance was ticked off.

No, he was more than ticked off, he was peeved beyond all consequence and he had no idea what to do about it. It wasn't any one big thing, it was just all the little things piling up on top of each other and Lance was at his breaking point. The stupid ministry wouldn't put his new name on his stupid little card, even though he'd filed the paperwork months ago. Apparently name changes needed to happen for a reason and not just because you wanted a new one and his application was being sat on. So he had the stupid little card with his stupid name on it and now he couldn't find it. First he'd been out of the potion he liked to use on his hair, and so he wanted to go to Diagon Alley and buy some more but he couldn't without that card. There was no way he was going to get arrested for forgetting it.

He'd torn up his room and then their room (but he'd put that back to rights, because he felt bad for it and wasn't going to make Liam pick up after him) and was now trying to look in the kitchen but the cat was sitting on the counter and just staring at him. So Lance was standing in the doorway of the kitchen with his arms crossed, glaring at him. "I have to find that stupid thing! You need to move so I can come in here! Look, that door is open!" Lance said, pointing to the door that led to the little balcony that went off the side of the kitchen, "Just go out there for a minute and you can have your food early too." The cat just ignored Lance and he let out a frustrated growl, not realizing Liam was standing behind him and listening to him bargain with Agamemnon.