g r a c i e l a
21 November 1982 @ 12:20 am
Owl to Edward Pennifold  
arriving early this morning )
••• o j β
21 November 1982 @ 09:46 pm
While Odette usually hated being surprised, she would be lying if she said she didn’t enjoy playing the part of surpriser. How could you not? Knowing something when someone else didn’t was the best part, and probably why she disliked being caught off guard the most-- she did not like being out of the loop. But luckily this time she was the only person in this loop, and felt it was a very good surprise, despite not normally doing things like this.

Half of her was also just really excited to see Noah’s face when he walked in to see her lounging on his desk..... which was located in the Astronomy tower at Hogwarts.

A little smile formed on her lips as she leaned over to play with one of the trinkets on his desk as she waited. It had been too easy! All you had to do was be extra careful in corridors; Hogwarts’ gossip circuit was more notorious than the Tattler, and the hallways were definitely its headquarters. But she had run into no fans, making her feel comfortable with the fact that this would be a not something he would hear whispers about from his students.

Hearing the door knob finally click, Odette quickly crossed her legs and leaned back to rest on her palms. With a quick shake of her hair, she idly tilted her head to her shoulder. “Hello Professor,” she purred.