Delilah Jane Spinnet
09 July 1983 @ 01:10 am
Gaspard :D  
 Delilah was having a horrible month and she was completely fine wallowing in her misery while eating ice cream on Charlie's couch for the rest of it.    Of course she still went to her duels, but other than that she didn't leave the house much.  She was getting sick of being bombarded by paparazzi asking for exclusives on the break up between her and Scott, or whether or not Victoria had if fact come after her with her beater bat, or sleazy guys asking her if she would mind kissing them for a picture.  And on top of all that, Scott still wasn't talking to her, which honestly wasn't unexpected.  But Charlie so bluntly pointing out that she effectively broke up with him when she kissed another guy in a bar and asking why she even cared this much because he was boring was just plain rude.  And hurtful. 

He probably just wanted his couch back.  Well that was just too bad, she thought as she flipped through her post, because he said she could stay as long as she liked when she first showed up.  She paused at a letter addressed to her in unfamiliar writing, curious as it got through with the rest of her personal post.  She frowned at the one line letter informing her that until further notice Henry would be unable to assist her and to please feel free to contact some no-name agent in his absence if anything would be required.  That was just unacceptable.

Well it was until she did some digging and discovered that she was being temporarily reassigned due the fact he was in the hospital.

So Delilah made cookies and went to visit, because Henry was her friend not just her agent, and you visit your friends when they are in the hospital.  And it was something to do that didn't involve feeling sorry for herself, but mostly because she cared.  The brim of her hat was wide and obscured a bit of her view and she was only half paying attention to where she was going, so it would make sense that she would walk right into someone while rounding a corner.  She fell hard, and the tin she was carrying bounced across the floor opening to spill its contents everywhere.
the only octavius o. pepper
09 July 1983 @ 09:41 pm
WHO: Octavius Pepper & Rose Knightley
WHERE His place
WHEN: A few days after Rose and Thomas!

“I’m still holding out for the return of the nifflers” )