m i l e s
10 January 1985 @ 08:31 pm
His fingertips pressed into his eyelid, attempting to press away the headache that had been constantly throbbing in his head since New Year's. Miles was very sure that he had not gotten a decent night's sleep since then, and meals? Bah, his stomach could not handle a cracker. Maybe Mira had somehow hexed him to experience her morning sickness as well, that seemed like something her wicked best friend would do.

Morning sickness.

Miles' hand drifted down to cover his mouth, feeling not for the first time today, the need to be ill. Whether he'd actually caught a bug or he was petrified at the idea of being a father, he wasn't sure. His anxiety about the news had not waned, and it did not help that Bianca Aubrey had practically barricaded him away from Mira's flat when he'd gone to see her the next morning. He understood that this...this was a big mental adjustment, but how was it fair to be barred from the thought process? He--he'd had much to do with this whole situation.

The knock on his door caused him to jump out of his seat. Miles made it to the door quickly, but took a few stretched out moments before he opened it. He scowled at Jeremiah, even though he was grateful his friend had showed up after Miles' rather rude owl.

"I hope there is alcohol in that bag," Miles snipped, pushing the door open further to allow Jeremiah entrance.