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bess d. fawcett ([info]bestzeller) wrote in [info]valesco,
Bess stood at the mailbox for a minute or two, silently fuming at what she'd found. Really? She hadn't realized that Drystan's fans would be able to get into such close contact with him, and while pictures, she supposed were...innocent, the content of them surely weren't. Of course she felt some sort of jealous rush course through her, but that was quickly subdued by the sparkling diamond ring on her finger. Right. Drystan was a good man, of course he would attract strange women wanting to be with him.

She pocketed the pictures, however, to tease him, later. And by tease, she meant bring up casually and see how he reacted, to try and test if he actually knew the woman. Which was wrong, but he was going to be her husband, and Bess was not going to fool around with anything that may affect their future marriage.

When she stepped out and onto their floor she pulled the pictures out again, scoffing at the display (of course they were magical, and the woman was moving in them, so---ugh). Bess thought about a similar set of lingerie she owned, and wondered if she should maybe pull them out tonight. She mused about this as she unlocked the front door, and pushed the pictures back into her purse.

Maybe she'll go see if she had those in the dresser drawer she'd confiscated from Drystan. They were still in the process of moving things, and they definitely needed a bigger place, but---

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" she let out in a shriek, nearly stumbling out of the room she'd just entered at the sight of---the woman who was in those---pictures! "GET OUT!"

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