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Heidi Twilfit ([info]iseeyoubaby) wrote in [info]valesco,
"WHAT AM I DOING? HOW DARE YOU INVADE MY -- DRYSTAN AND MINE'S -- PRIVACY BY COMING IN HERE!" She shouted back, snatching the sheets around her and then stomping over to the door after pulling on her trousers and shirt in a rush (underwear could always be retrieved later once this foul woman was out of the house).

"YOU get out!" She crossed her arms over her chest. She was tempted to call the authorities, but she was sure that someone from the media would catch wind of this and blow it out of proportion like they always did, so she refrained.

Surely she wasn't in the back of her mind concerned for herself, behind that haze of confusion.

This was going to go terribly if Drystan came home now! She trusted him, of course, but there were always thoughts that people couldn't help.

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