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bess d. fawcett ([info]bestzeller) wrote in [info]valesco,
She would have been a horrible dueler, it was no wonder she was always getting cornered and attacked and---Bess froze completely, watching in horror as the woman got dressed in their bedroom and gaped as she stormed toward her. What was this! She was a twig of a girl, she wasn't intimidating other than the fact that she'd managed to break into the flat!

"You're insane!" Bess screamed, hastily grabbing for her wand, but what was she going to do? Hex this obviously psychotic girl? Maybe, but her hands were shaking so badly that she'd probably end up blowing a hole through the wall or something.

"This---this isn't your flat!" she let out, backing away from the deranged girl. Oh, God, what if she'd come in at night, with the babies and---Bess felt her face heat up and she stiffened, her wand pointing steadily at the girl, "Leave!"

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