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bess d. fawcett ([info]bestzeller) wrote in [info]valesco,
This was--absolutely ridiculous! Bess couldn't stop her shallow breaths and clenched her free fist, continuing to back out into the hallway. Merlin's bloody beard...she did know how to send a messenger patronus, but this surely wasn't something she could call the bloody Order about (not that she ever wanted to associate with them, again, but---). No, she would just...be the adult around here.

Bess stopped; was this the girl from her engagement post? "Are you Heidi?" she remembered a man stepping in. This loony had been planning this for a while, then!

"I'm sending for a hitwizard," she stated, trying not to turn her back on the girl but it was bloody hard to walk with a purpose while you had to keep an eye on a maniac. "You obviously don't know where the hell you are, who you are."

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