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the inscrutable drystan b. fawcett ([info]brythonichero) wrote in [info]valesco,
Giving Bess a less than gentle shove towards the other side of the room, far, far away on the other side of the room, he turned his attention back to the intruding woman.

"What—how were you even allowed in—" Drystan took a breath and tried to calm himself. "Heidi," he began, straining to keep his voice calm and civil, whilst also trying to refrain from dragging his hands desperately through his hair, "you are not—my wife, and this is not your home. You can't—keep insisting that it is—" And he had a full mind to continue going, determined to get to the bottom of this damned mess, when the voice of a fourth interrupted him.

Letting out a noise of exasperation, he jerked his head to the source of the sound, which was the fireplace. A disembodied woman's voice began, "Dispatching help now… please stand-by for arrival…"

"Bloody—what's going—!" He glanced over his shoulder at Bess, "Did you call for someone?"

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