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wadcock ([info]wadcock) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2010-01-23 22:04:00

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Who:  Seth Wadcock
What:  He just can't catch a break lmao
When: Friday/Saturday.... lost track of time...

The first thing Seth was aware of was the searing pain in his side.  He winced as he opened his eyes to lights that were way to bright for somewhere he'd normally wake up.  He only  glanced around his unfamiliar surroundings for a second before he relized there was tubes blowing air up his nose.  And when he reached up to yank them out there were more attached to his arm.  "What the fuck!"   He sat up abruptly causing him to irritate what ever was causing the pain in his side.   He pulled back whatever he was wearing (which definitely not his clothes at all) only to find more wires, which he pulled off as well and some loud beeping noise started, and a wound that looked like it was sewn shut.  Again. What. The. Fuck.   How did this even happen.

"Sir!" Seth looked up from the disaster that was now his side to find two women dressed in white rushing into the room.  "Sir, you have to leave those on!  Oh and you tore out your I.V.,  Ilene could you go and get-"

"Excuse me, do you mind telling me where the fuck I am?  And I don't know, maybe how I got here and what the fuck happened?  Last thing I remember is running errands in London and then next thing I know, I'm in this crazy house." 

The first nurse took a sidelong glance at the other before turning back to address Seth.  "Well sir, you're in a Hospital.  You were brought here after an incident, where you were shot.  I really can't say much, but your doctor should be in soon.  He can-"

"I was what? Shot?  With what?  What is all this shit?  I've never seen any of this shit any hospital I've ever been in."  Seth started cutting the nurse off mid sentence once again.  "And whats with this shit here on my side?  What kind of shady--"  It was the way both of the nurses were staring at him that made him stop mid rant.  They were looking at him like he was completely loony.  That's when it all clicked..  "Oh you've got to be shitting me." he muttered under his breath.  He was in a muggle hospital.  Seth swung he legs over the side of the bed and stood up quickly only swaying slightly.   "I need to get the fuck out of here." 

"Sir!  You can't-"

"Oh just watch me.   Ow"  he looked down to his side and watched the bandages ting red.  "What the hell did you do to my side?  Seriously, who cuts people---OW!  What the fuck?  Did you just stab me?"  he glared at the nurse standing next to him holding a needle, suddenly feeling very tired.

"Sedative.  Ilene, you might want to call the psychology for a consult."


"Two days. I've been here for two days!"  Seth seethed at the doctor as he started to fill him in.  Leanne was in daycare when he left.  who picked her up?  Oh the media was going to have a field day with this.  It's not like they knew where he was, they would just think he was off doing something stupid and neglecting his daughter. 

"Careful you'll rip your stitches... again."  The doctor said eying the man in front of him carefully and Seth just glared right back at him.  This was a different doctor than the one who came in and informed him how well his surgery went and how he was to make a full recovery.  That doctor neglected to mention he was out of sorts for two fucking days.  And this doctor was worse than the first.  He asked to many questions and Seth was a horrible liar. That and he'd answer the question on impulse because it would be such an easy question.  'So where do you live Mr. Wadcock?'  "Montrose".  He didn't even think until after the fact how odd it looked that he was in London shopping.  He didn't even realize it until the other man pointed it out.  'Isn't that over eight hours from here?  Didn't you say you were just in town for the day?'  So, now after a few questions that ended along the same way this man was treating Seth as if he was some kid.  And that just pissed him off even more.  "As I was saying, isn't there anyone we can contact for you?"

Seth refrained from rolling his eyes.  "I already told you there wasn't."

"No one?"

"Nope.  I'm not a very popular guy."  he deadpanned knowing this guy didn't believe a thing coming out of his mouth.  He could probably tell him the truth and he'd just sit there and go 'oh really now.'   "When can I go?  As lovely as this place is, I really have other places I need to be."  Like finding out who had his daughter.  Practice, oh fuck, Drystan was going to pitch a fit.  Play offs were coming up and Odette was already out of commission and he started those mandatory weekend practices started up this weekend.  After everything that just happened he was going to think that he just blew it off.  Fan-fucking-tastic.

"Ah well.  About that..."  he stalled.  "It's standard policy to keep you at least a week after a surgery such as yours to monitor the recovery process."

Oh that was not going to do at all.  Seth huffed and crossed his arms.  He needed to get away from all these crazies and there needles and knives and wires.  He needed to get in contact with someone. Anyone.  "Fine.  Whatever.  Where are my things, by the way?  You know, clothes, nice leather jacket among others items."  His journal was in his jacket.  It would save him.

"Ah yes.  Your things are right over there."  he said gesturing to a table under the table.  "Although,  there was a weapon like object and we had to confiscated it.  Standard protocol."

"Oh for the love of-,  It was a piece of wood, with a blunt tip.  Just how much damage could I do with it while dying?" Seth all but flailed.  Seriously, what the fuck was wrong with these people.

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