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you hear it first. ([info]thenewstoday) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2010-02-12 00:01:00

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Quidditch Valentine's Auction!
All proceeds go to the Children of the Wizarding World Fund! Hosted by WWN personality Liz Bell!

A fun event for all! Even if you don't partake in the bidding, tickets can be caught to spend the night and mingle with friends! Who knows, maybe some quidditch players not up for auction will be wandering the crowd! All ticket proceeds go to the donation, and we here at the WWN appreciate your charity!

• Minimum donation of $25, Maximum of $300 (outside of the auction, a person can of course donate more)
• You can increase the bid by a minimum of 1 sickle, or a maximum of 5 sickles!
• Please be realistic about how much your character is willing to spend!
• Comment to the post with the quidditch player's name NOT to the person who last bid
• Anyone can bid on anyone! Even those up for auction!
• If your character does not win an auction, they can start over (or if they do win, use what's left?)
• Bidding will start at 12am Friday morning, and end 12am Saturday morning (24 hours woot)

donation bidding money
$25 2 galleons, 8 sickles
$50 4 galleons, 16 sickles
$75 7 galleons, 7 sickles
$100 9 galleons, 15 sickles
$125 12 galleons, 7 sickles
$150 14 galleons, 15 sickles
$175 17 galleons, 6 sickles
$200 19 galleons, 14 sickles
$225 22 galleons, 5 sickles
$250 24 galleons, 14 sickles
$275 27 galleons, 5 sickles
$300 29 galleons, 13 sickles

17 sickles = 1 galleon


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