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ε s p ◘ ([info]esp) wrote in [info]valesco,
Edward had never been quite sure how to deal with birthdays--- especially his of all people. The simple fact alone that one was simply celebrating a certain individual's birth day through gifting objects said person might enjoyed seemed awfully strange. If anything, shouldn't the birthday person be giving his or her parents gifts on his/her birthday to thank them for creating him/her? Since, after all, without two parents a child could never be born.

So, well. Yes. That was logically speaking, but once again Edward found himself needing to follow what was socially acceptable, so he had stopping giving his parents presents on his birthday for a good while now. And stopped complaining or rejecting when others decided to give him things.

"Hm?" Edward responded automatically, pulling himself out of his own thought process. Emmeline did tend to have that affect on him-- completely pull him out of whatever he was previously concerning himself with. "Oh yes, the day is nearing end," he finished, nodding slightly as he clutched what he had been looking for (new quills).

Was there--- slightly perplexed at Emmeline's gaze, he fidgeted slightly in his spot. Did she want something? "If you have somewhere to be...." Edward started, implying that she was free to leave five minutes early today.

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