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ε s p ◘ ([info]esp) wrote in [info]valesco,
To say the least, Edward was more than surprised. Not only did Emmeline know it was his birthday today (despite already being informed by Patrick's very unsettling and loud announcement earlier in the day), but she had previously realized this and thought even further to attempt to give him something he liked! The giving and receiving of gifts had always been a subject Edward did not take lightly, and this was most certainly the case.

Especially since it was--- Emmeline. It was ridiculous what one wrapped box could do to his inner thoughts. Instead of continuing to harbor and subdue his feelings for her, they now had justification through this gift!

Oh dear.

"I--- uh---" It was customary to at least say thank you! Though at that point, Edward felt like putting together anything logical. He stumbled for a few seconds, his mouth attempting to form something. "Thank you," Edward finally mustered, his mouth breaking into an anxious smile.

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