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ε s p ◘ ([info]esp) wrote in [info]valesco,
This was--- to say the least, Edward was extremely surprised at Emmeline's response. He had fully be expecting her complete rejection, followed by her immediate departure from the office forever. So for her to not only accept him but begin to kiss him first--- Edward was surprised he hadn't fallen to the ground in shock yet. And this definitely was not a dream, because the anxiety and excitement he was feeling then was too real for something entirely made up in his mind.

It was his birthday, you were allowed to be lucky on your birthday, no? That's what people always said, so-- why couldn't he be apart of that? At the realization of this, Edward felt his heart pick up and become much lighter than it had been in weeks. His hands felt nimble, his skin lighter than air and--- a very broad smile appeared on his face, one so wide that his jaw began to hurt from keeping it up and making sure to not break with Emmeline just yet.

A very nice birthday indeed.

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