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wadcock ([info]wadcock) wrote in [info]valesco,
"I'm going to ask for my captaincy back." Seth said without preamble when Odette prompted. He promised it was going to be about quidditch and he was sticking to it.

"It was only meant to be temporary anyways, until I got my shit together and I have, so..." He fidgeted slightly, what was the point of telling Odette this before hand again? Oh yea, because the meeting was probably going to end in disaster and he wanted at least one person on his side.

And why did he think that was going to be Odette again? Oh yea that's right, he didn't exactly think this all through. This is exactly why you didn't make decisions while still on the high of just coming back from an awesome vacation that only involved you and your kid.

"I was-- You see--" He tripped over his word because he just couldn't get out 'I would like you to back me up on this please'. This whole idea was beyond ridiculous. Odette was best friends with Drystan. Every one was. Chances were he wasn't going to win this one even if he did deserve to. "I don't know, I guess I just thought you ought to know before I crash and burn in this meeting."

He shoved his hands in his pockets and stared down at the table. "Things have changed. It wouldn't be like before. You're past pushing me off my broom, and I'm past acting like a complete ass all the time."

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