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••• o j β ([info]cockaigne) wrote in [info]valesco,
If she hadn't just put down her water, Odette would have choked on it and died. Seth wanted his captaincy back? He had to be joking. Things were just starting to get better now, going back to normal like when before he had joined the team. Why in the bloody world would he want to ruin that? For the fucking love of all that was right in the world! Drystan had all of them running smoothly, in-team fighting had gone down to absolute zero-- they actually had a shot at rebuilding the Magpies name that what it use to be--- respected! Why would he want to change any of that?

Odette's face stayed impassive as Seth spoke, knowing fully well it was better for her to react once he had finished. It was a horrible idea that would crash and burn once he brought it to the rest of the team. And why he had chosen to tell her first of all people was equally as confusing. Did he think--- did he think she would support him? Try to rally the rest of them? Oh no, no no. She enjoyed being accepted by the rest of the team (it was more so now than before), and she wasn't going to do anything that would make that go away.

Why did he think she should know before this was all going to happen? Odette's mouth tightened as her eyes suddenly took a sharper interest in Seth. "I don't think that's a very good idea right now," she spoke finally, her arms moving to cross tightly over her chest. Besides, it didn't matter what things were like now, the past was still very much present in their minds as well as the public's. And honestly, that was all that mattered in the end.

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