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c є ▪ ℓ ([info]mythomania) wrote in [info]valesco,
Moody. A cracked smile appeared on his lips, and Christopher leaned back into his chair, his chin still raised high. Alastor was much more fun to deal with than Longbottom. Longbottom would just beat the shit out of him. But Moody, he made it interesting. While Christopher's mind wasn't in its best state, that still did not take away from enjoying the mind games he and Moody would play.

It was especially gratifying to know, however, that after three days, the Order aurors were no doubt beyond frustrated with the lack of results they were producing. In all honesty, Christopher still wasn't absolutely sure what they wanted to know, but no doubt had something to do with the Dark Lord and his plans for the future. But that would require something better than Sebastian Goldstein's corpse served to him on a golden platter.

"More like a mudblood rat," Christopher scoffed, his eyes traveling to the ceiling as he spoke. "It's too bad," he continued in a much lighter tone. "You'll have to return to the Order again today with nothing new to tell them. Too bad." He shook his head in a hopeless manner, finally bringing his gaze back down to the other auror. "Tell me, how are you covering up my lack of presence in public? I'm curious has to how the noble Order deals with kidnappings."

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