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danielle r. rookwood ([info]curador) wrote in [info]valesco,
It was strange. Her first reaction to hearing that death eaters were invading St. Mungo's was not one of fear or shock. Danielle's eyes narrowed as she felt almost insulted that they would dare attack those who were weak in their beds, and the people who were trying to keep them alive. They had no morals, no sense of fairness, if---she could understand fighting aurors, but healers who had probably more than once fixed the masked cowards up when they'd come hobbling in after an attack in their casual cloaks---

Danielle shook her head. Donovan was from a respective pureblood family, it would make sense that things were whispered and warnings were spread. When was the last time that a pureblood who wasn't a death eater or a supposed 'blood traitor' had been killed in one of these attacks? It wasn't fair, it wasn't something that should be happening and Danielle could not handle this shift in her workplace. The hospital was supposed to be safe, a sanctuary!

"I have patients," she said quickly, stepping forward, her hands going up. She had---Susan Shepard, and Jackson Marsh, they were--little, their parents had been asleep in the waiting room just a half hour ago, they were---oh, God, they were muggleborn---Danielle took in a few sharp breaths, she needed to get out of there!

"My patients need me, I have to get them out, I have to get them out before the death eaters get them!"

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