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m i r a n d a ([info]stageleft) wrote in [info]valesco,
Somehow, somehow they had found the door to the staircase. Miranda couldn't even feel her hand anymore, with how hard they were gripping at each other, and all of her other senses were working on overload. Her eyes were starting to adjust as if it were light out and her ears were catching every zip and zing of the spells bouncing around the corridors.

They opened the door of the stairwell slowly, as quietly as possible, and Miranda stuck her feet to the ground to stop Ralph from hurrying down the steps before she could take a good listen to the echoes of what might be going on. It sounded clear, but Miranda couldn't expect that to last long. There was no way they would be the only ones trying to duck out through the stairwell. They would have to try though, right---

"Wait---" she let out in a quick breath, the sound of shouts bouncing up the walls of the stairwell. Miranda tugged Ralph roughly toward her, surprised by her strength. It must have been the adrenaline, because there had been many times when she had tried to do the same thing and had failed. Miranda pushed them into the corner, suddenly realizing that their chances of escape were ridiculously and terribly thin. "Don't, don't--don't go down there, please---we'll find another way--"

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