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h e n r y ([info]fictitious) wrote in [info]valesco,
As much as he felt like they should talk about her past, about her husband, and about how everything ended, Henry couldn't get his mind past her simple statement. She hadn't felt happier than she was with him, right now. He felt that childish excitement in his chest that he usually felt around Heidi, and he couldn't help but smile hopefully. She wasn't some girl that was just trying to get to the quidditch players. She was someone who wanted to be with him, because of who he was. She liked him. She didn't want to ruin things.

Henry couldn't find any other words, nothing that would encompass how he felt at this moment because his emotions were all over the place. He felt guilty for briefly thinking she might be crazy, sad about her past, elated that she felt so good about being with him and---Henry just slid off the stool and took Heidi's face in her hands and kissed her.

He wanted to help her get through this. It must have taken a lot for her to get out to that singles' event, and Henry wanted to be worth the effort.

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