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Heidi Twilfit ([info]iseeyoubaby) wrote in [info]valesco,
Chaste and slow-moving be damned. Honestly, she'd been worried about telling Henry about her past -- that had been the biggest obstacle in trusting him with anything further. She hadn't wanted to become attached emotionally and sexually only to be tossed out on her arse a few days later.

Her year-and-a-bit up to this point had been so filled with things like work and trying to figure out her problems that it was nice to be doing something that didn't necessarily require hours of prep-time or too much thinking. She sunk happily into the kiss, keeping her arms looped lightly around his neck. She managed a smile for him, attempting to look coy and seductive.

"Well, in that case ... I don't believe you showed me your bedroom in your little tour, Henry. That needs to be remedied."

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