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t h o m a s ➽ mccormack ([info]thomases) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2011-06-09 22:26:00

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Entry tags:delilah spinnet, thomas mccormack

WHO: Delilah Spinnet and Thomas McCormack
WHAT: She bursts into the locker room because she's bored
WHEN: Some time today!
WHERE: Montrose Stadium!

So after much pleading and pouting, Delilah finally wheedled Henry into being her agent. He made it very clear that she would have to work with his current hectic schedule. Although when she agreed to that, she didn’t think it would mean spending time hanging around Quidditch pitches waiting for him to finish with other appointments. But that’s where he spent most of his time, and since he was doing her such a huge favor the least she could do was meet him where he already was and save him an extra trip.

She shuffled around the Pitch bored. She long left the bench she was suppose to meet Henry, he should of been done by now but she heard Seth going on about something or another so it was probably be safe to assume that Henry was going to be late.

She twirled her wand between her fingers as she looked around. Grass, hoops, that was it. Boring. She made her way through the team entrance and the back hallways opening doors and looking around. She grinned when she spotted the locker room door.

“Oh this will be fun,” she said to herself as she walked in. She hadn’t seen anyone else the entire time she was here and figured it was relatively safe. A complete mess and smelly. Just as she expected. “This is why quidditch players can never have nice things,” she murmured kicking aside a dirty towel and continuing on her completely unauthorized self guided tour.

Thomas had found that he didn’t particularly like being at his flat anymore. Every inch of it reminded him of her and it seemed like everywhere he went he smelled her perfume or found a strand of her hair twisted in his jumpers or sheets. The constant reminder of his ex-girlfriend all over his flat had caused Thomas to spend much more time at the pitch than any of his teammates had this off season. They had family and girlfriends and boyfriends and husbands and wives or whatever---

----”What the hell are you doing here!” he shouted, tightening the towel around his waist at the sight of the unauthorized visitor in the locker room. Thomas glared harshly and tried not to shiver as the cooling charms of the locker room cooled his still wet shoulders and chest. The last time one of these crazy fans had gotten this close to one of the players----well, Drystan Fawcett had a stalker a few seasons ago, and Seth Wadcock had been Odette’s personal on-team stalker, but---- “Out! Get out! How the hell did you get in here? SECURITY!”

“Whoa! Sorry! I didn’t think anyone was in here,” Delilah said at the same time the guy (shirtless guy, hello!) was yelling at her. And then he was yelling for her to get out and not giving her time to answer his questions and then security, which luckily wasn’t anywhere around. She knew as she just spent the last fifteen minutes expertly avoiding them. Merlin, if she got thrown out of here it would cause a scene and then she’d end up in magazines and Henry would never ever let her live it down.

“Whoa whoa whoa,” she said quickly raising her hands defensively. “Don’t call security. I’m supposed to be here. Well not here in the locker room, but you know the bench outside the meeting room. Across the pitch. But I am supposed to be in the building. You see, I got bored while waiting for Henry, he’s my agent now, but he got held up in a meeting with his brother because well, its Seth and he was bitching about something or another...” She waved her hand in a ‘you know’ sort of manner. “So I thought I’d just take a look around... since I was here... I’m really not good at sitting around.” She shrugged while looking around the locker room before looking back to the man in the towel. Who was still looking at her like she was insane.

“OH! That’s right. Never introduced myself, did I? I’m Delilah.” She held out her hand and offered him a big smile. “You know you look really familiar. Do I know you?”

“I don’t--I don’t care! Get out! Out!”

Thomas started toward her, ready to shove her out of the locker room. He didn’t care if Wadcock was her agent, he shouldn’t even be having his meetings with other people at the bloody stadium. She wasn’t a Magpie! She wasn’t even a quidditch player! She was bloody Delilah Spinnet who used to kick his chair in History of Magic for the seven straight years they had it together at Hogwarts!

He blinked at the thought, the memory. Of course he knew who she was. She was older, of course, than the last time he’d seen her, but it was Delilah Spinnet the Gryffindor Bouncing Ball of Energy and now he was suddenly offended that she did not remember him. It wasn’t as if she wasn’t there while she was kicking his chair all those years, or that he’d played with her brother on the Kestrals for a few years, or the fact that he was a bloody famous quidditch star and had just won the goddamn championship cup!

“Of course you know me, you spent every History of Magic class kicking the back of my chair because you couldn’t focus on Binns’ lessons,” Thomas snapped, flushing even though he had a shiver.

Delilah didn’t back up when he started towards her, but she very nearly pulled her wand on him. Very few people got away with stalking towards her angrily. But then he was spouting out something about History of Magic, which Delilah can’t remember a single lesson of, let alone if he was kicking someone’s chair. She was too busy doodling or talking to Maggie or doing anything but listen to that ghost drone on and on and on.

And then it finally clicked where she recognized him from. He use to play with Charlie and whenever she pointed him out Charlie would glare at her. Something about teammates being off limits or what not. “You played on the Kestrals a few years back!” she said clicking her fingers. “Thomas! Right? I must say you look much better without your shirt on than I imagined.” she said with a smile. “I use to kick your chair in History of Magic? Sorry. That class was such a drag.” Actually, Delilah didn’t remember him from school much at all. He must have been one of those quiet Ravenclaws that hid in the library. And not to make out. But then again, the quiet boys were always the most fun. “How about I make it up to you? I’ll buy you lunch or something. Seven years of putting up with me kicking your chair is worth at least that.”

Buy him lunch? What did she think he was, a charity case? No, Thomas was doing just fine now and didn’t need some annoying, nosy girl to buy him lunch. She didn’t remember him from school, but from the Kestrals? What sense did that make. You spend seven years with someone and----from what he remembered Delilah was a professional dueler now, so he definitely made more money than she did and---he was wasting too much time! He needed to get out of here and...he didn’t exactly want to go back to his flat, but he knew for sure that he did not want to go with her, because she was a pain in the ass.

“You need to get out of here,” Thomas said again, pointing a stiff finger at the door while his other hand gripped tighter on the knot holding his towel up. Merlin’s beard, this was why he liked to do these practices on his own, so his routines wouldn’t get messed up like this. Seth had perfected the skill of screwing up his workouts; bloody annoying Gryffindors never got over these traits. “Out.”

“Yes yes, I know you have to get dressed first. Like I really expected you to go to lunch in a towel.” So yes Delilah knew that’s not exactly what he meant, but come on it’s not like she was just going to give up. He didn’t say no after all. He just needed a bit of persuading.

“So. I’ll go wait for you out in the hall, and once you’re ready we can go.” she said making her way to the door, but before she got there it opened, and Seth walked in. “Oi. There you are. What are you doing in here.”

“Oh just chatting with Thomas here. We’re going to go grab lunch,” Delilah said waving him off. “Finally done whining to Henry about how life’s not fair?” she said cheekily.

Seth looked up from Delilah to Thomas who was standing behind her, with an amused look on his face and then back to her. “Does he know that or are you making things up? And I wasn’t--- Just go. Henry is looking for you and is about to have a fit. He’s worried you might have destroyed something being as you were left alone for so long.”

“Yeah yeah yeah...I’m going I’m going.” She turned her back on Seth, she never did like him much, “So I’m going to go find Henry and assure him I didn’t break anything, talk to him about this contract and be back in like fifteen minutes. Kay?”

Thomas scowled as Delilah flounced away, and ducked his head away from Seth before his teammate could say anything. Like hell he was going to just sit around and wait for her! He didn’t even want to be in the same room as her, she’d probably end up kicking his chair now. Thomas rushed to his locker to get dressed, “If she comes back, tell her I----tell her----nothing, forget it.”

He had to rush, now. He had to rush and get out of there to avoid going on a bloody lunch date with the pretty Gryffindor who used to kick his chair. That sounded so ridiculous in his head for more reasons than one, and Thomas glared at the mirror (who was snipping at him for not untangling his curls) before he slammed the locker door shut and whisked himself out of there.

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