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◎ c h a r l i e ([info]spinnets) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2011-08-11 15:57:00

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WHO: Delilah Spinnet and Charlie Spinnet :D
WHAT: LOL Charlie's bailing his sister out of JAIL

Delilah really hadn’t planned on doing anything about Thomas’ ex who stole a hundred year heirloom, it was really none of her business at all. Last time she tried to be sympathetic to his plight, he out right yelled at her. Delilah probably would have hexed him if he had dared do it in person.

And really why did she even care. Thomas really was showing no interest at all despite her advances. Perhaps it was just her stubborn streak. Gryffindor nature? The challenge was fun. It was really annoying. She could be focusing on some other boy. That didn’t play quidditch. Or yell at her.

She really had no idea what came over her when she ran into whatever her name was, tart that use to date Thomas. Delilah recognized her from the magazine, in which she got yelled at over. And she was there with some other guy and my god she was still wearing that ring. Granted, it was on a different finger, but she was pretty sure it was the same ring. Really. No tact at all. And for some reason Delilah thought it necessary to inform her of that.

And there might have been a small scene in which people stared, and maybe a few pictures were taken but Delilah wasn’t taking no for an answer. Heirloom rings weren’t things you kept when a relationship went sour. Brand new rings bought just for you, yes, hundred year old rings that have been in a family for generations, no.

Delilah could be very intimidating when she wanted too, and this Regina girl really didn’t stand a chance at all, so in the end Delilah walked away with the ring to return to Thomas.

Too bad the hitwizards showed up before she had the chance to explain.

Delilah huffed as she waited for Charlie to show up. She had been stuck in this stupid little cell for hours. Hours. What on earth could he be doing that was more important than bailing his sister out of jail?

Seriously, if was waiting until practice was over, she was going to throw a fit.

“Oh. My. God.”

Charlie had to keep a hand over his mouth to muffle his laughter as he slowly walked toward Delilah’s holding cell. Holding cell. His sister was sitting there, behind magical bars because she’d been arrested. ARRESTED! Delilah had been arrested for assault, and Charlie was quite glad that he’d brought his camera.

“Say cheese, or I’m not handing over the coins,” he said, lifting the camera up and grinning widely. She better do it, because no one would believe him if he didn’t have photographic evidence.

“Charles! I am not here for your amusement!” she said when he walked in laughing. “You did not bring a camera. CHARLIE!”

Delilah was very close to stomping her foot in a very undignified manner. “I am not going to play these games. I was trying to be nice and I get arrested. I didn’t even hit the twit. And then you. You make me wait for hours. Hours, Charles!”

“I didn’t get your owl until after practice! Axe is pretty strict about that kind of stuff,” he said with a sagely nod, snapping the picture anyway, even with Delilah’s gigantic pout. It would make for great blackmail, and Merlin knew he needed a lot of it when it came to his twin. She was always up to something, ever since they were little, and he was the the one that usually ended up getting the brunt of the trouble. Charlie let the camera hang on the straps around his neck and leaned on the solid wall on the side of the magical bars. He didn’t know if they zapped or not.

“My solicitor is talking to the hitwizards; trying to strike up a deal so that this doesn’t get out,” Charlie gave her a pointed look, “That’s all I need, right? Spinnet and his Criminal Sister all over the papers. And,” he waggled his finger, “Henry’s going to murder you.”

Charlie began to examine his fingernails, finding himself growing bored of being in the cell, but not bored enough to not snoop. One thing he and his sister had in common was that they were both quite nosy, “What twit did you not hit to get into here?”

“Are you quite done?” she asked after he snapped the photo. That’s alright. He could have his photo. Delilah would get him back eventually. Charlie was hardly perfect in his own reputation.

“You are not the only famous person here!” Delilah huffed but paled at the mention of Henry. Oh no. If this got out she would never hear the end of it. He was going to compare her to his brother and this was a disaster! “Henry is going to murder me,” she repeated.

“Regina Bagshot.” she mumbled, shuffling her feet slightly. She and Thomas were still dating when they were on the same team. And Charlie knew well enough that she certainly didn’t have any friends named Regina, or enemies for that matter. And she really wasn’t about volunteer any additional information. She didn’t even know what she would say. She should figure that out though, for when Henry was on his rampage and asking five hundred questions in two minutes.

Why was that name familiar? Charlie leaned forward and cocked his head at his twin, trying to figure out why he knew that name. He knew most of Delilah’s friends because she shoved them down his throat and often left him to entertain them while she got ready, but Regina’s face was not ringing a bell. Bagshot. Regina Bagshot----Charlie’s eyes widened as that twit’s face came to him, and he blanched.

“Wait, wait, wait,” Charlie pushed off the wall to face Delilah fully, his arms crossed over his chest, “You attacked McCormack’s ex? Are you kidding me? Delly, I know you fancy the ponce but he hasn’t been with her for months! He’s going to think you’re psycho!”

If he already didn’t! Charlie kept that last bit to himself, but he knew his sister was a bit hard to handle. Of course, any bloke would be lucky to have her, but she did take some getting used to, and McCormack wasn’t the easiest guy to get along with; Charlie spent three seasons with him and had never once seen his flat. That was weird, right? “What did you do?”

“Oh my god. Charlie what did I do!” Delilah said now that what she did was finally setting in. She pressed her fingers into her temples. “I’m a complete psyhcopath.”

She started digging in her pockets. “There was this article in the Tattler a while back where she was being a complete bitch and I tried to be nice and he yelled at me. So this time I didn’t say anything, because he was an ass to me last time.” She was ranting and talking so fast she was pretty sure that only Charlie could understand her.

“But then I saw her out eating with some other guy, which really who cares, but she was still wearing that ring. The one the Tattler was talking about. Who does that? Keeps an heirloom ring that belongs to an ex and still wears it. With another guy.

Finally she found it in her pocket and pulled it out. “So, I got it back. It seemed like a good idea at the time but now. I got arrested for threatening to beat up a girl over a ring that belongs to a guy that doesn’t even like me. I’m completely insane. What am I going to do!” She shoved the ring through the bars at him. “Here! You give it back to him. I’m crazy. You’re not. You give it back to him.”

Charlie fumbled the ring, completely not understanding what his sister was rambling about. Something about the Tattler, getting yelled at (he remembered that bit from a previous ranting session from Delilah), that girl, some other guy, and this ring. This bloody ring that she’d shoved at him and now felt like was burning a hole through his palm. What did she expect him to do with it? He hadn’t spoken to McCormack off the pitch in ages, and he was just supposed to go, ‘Oy, right, my sister beat the hell out of your ex to get this back for you!’

Nope, not going to happen.

He heard the hitwizards coming in and Charlie let out a breath, sending his twin another pointed look, “Listen. You’re going to get out of here and we’re going to figure out a story. Maybe you could mail it anonymously to him, or something, but---”

Charlie carefully reached through the bars and tweaked Delilah’s nose, “It’s going to be fine, no matter how psycho he thinks you are, okay? You’re just a dumb Gryffindor.”

He winked and backed up, grinning at the hitwizard who was--hopefully--coming to unlock his sister from her cell.

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