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Delilah Jane Spinnet ([info]takeyoudown) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2011-08-17 00:45:00

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Entry tags:delilah spinnet, thomas mccormack

Who: Delilah and Thomas
What: Delilah is stalking has a present for Thomas
When: Today?
Where: Outside the Magpie Stadium.
Status: Finishing in Comments!

Delilah paced outside the Magpie Pitch for twenty minutes, almost going in three times before going to the cafe on the other side of the street and taking a seat at one of the outside tables. She chewed on the nail of her thumb staring at the building across from her. She couldn’t go in there. Delilah knew Charlie told at least one of his teammates that at the very least she had been arrested, rumors like that spread worse than wild fires through quidditch players. And Henry knew, which meant Seth might know and Seth Wadcock couldn’t keep his mouth shut to save his life.

So basically chances were that Thomas had already heard. That she had been arrested. For not assaulting his ex. Charlie was right, she should have just mailed the damn ring.

But Delilah was not a coward. She could do this. And hell, if she was going to get arrested, and spend hours in jail, then she was going to get the credit for getting the stupid ring back. Crazy or not.

Finally, she got up from her seat and walked back towards the pitch, just in time to catch Thomas leaving, except he was heading in the opposite direction from where she was standing so she picked up her pace to catch up with him. “Hey. Hey Thomas. Hold up a second. I need to talk to you.”

He hadn’t had a drink in days, but Thomas felt like he’d been living with a constant hangover. Practices were becoming harder by the day to get through because of the stress he was putting himself under, and they weren’t in first place yet and it was just really. Fucking. Annoying. Thomas made a beeline toward the apparation point, or maybe he’d get a coffee because he was feeling really wretched and---

His shoulders hunched, completely annoyed that he hadn’t spotted the fan waiting outside the back entrance. Usually this was the safe way out, if you wanted to avoid the crowds, but apparently some of them had smartened up. Thomas stopped and let the footsteps following him join him on the pavement.

“You!” Thomas let out at the sight of Delilah. He shook his head, nope. No, he was not going to deal with her, not anymore. He’d heard about her attacking Regina (because she had sent him a howler, shrieking bloody murder about it, and Thomas was not going to deal with her. He shook his head again and turned to start toward the other apparation point he knew, “You shouldn’t be within thirty meters of me!”

"Okay, I probably deserve that..." she said honestly. It was better than she had expected though. "... Wait, is that legally, or just a warning? Either way, please just wait up a second. Give me two minutes. Two minutes and I’m gone, promise." Delilah started digging through her purse to find the ring box she put it in so she wouldn't lose it.

"Obviously you've heard rumors, but I would like to clarify I didn't hit or hex anyone. Although, the time I spent in jail would have been a bit more worth it if I had. And I really have no excuse, at all. I don't even know why I did it, you don't even like me, but god. Stupid. I'm a stupid impulsive Gryffindor, Henry has told me this multiple times. I need to learn to think before I act because that would solve so many problems, and I'm rambling, and I have way to much stuff in this damn bag."

She huffed about ready to throw her purse on the ground when she found it. "Here. This is yours. I got it back because the twit didn't deserve it. No tact at all. So wished I’d at least---" Delilah held the box out to him. "I’m sorry I caused a scene. And my brother can’t keep his mouth shut so I won’t be really surprised if the whole league hears about it eventually, and I’m sorry about that too."

She shuffled her feet a bit, this uncomfortable, non-confident feeling was odd for her, and she didn't like it at all. She wished he’d just take the box already. “So yea. That’s all I wanted to say.”

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2011-08-19 01:05 am UTC (link)
Regina hadn't told him that part of the story. Her howler had made it sound like Delilah was some crazed fan (well...) just randomly attacking her. He hadn't known there'd been a motive. That she'd actually been trying to do something nice for him, in the only way she seemed to know how. Thomas really didn't know what this girl wanted from him (well...), and not being able to understand that made him choke up, and turn red.

He reached for the ring box and took it, opening it quickly and his eyes widened at the sight of it.

"You didn't have to do this," he said softly, feeling his chest begin to constrict. Thomas shook his head, closing the box and feeling worried, all of a sudden. What was he supposed to say, now? Thank you? It hadn't been her place, and while he was grateful for the ring's return, Delilah was putting him in a position he didn't want to be in. He didn't want to owe her anything, but he felt obligated and it was just strange. Things were so strange in his life right now and he didn't know how to handle it.

"Thank you," Thomas muttered, unable to look at her.

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2011-08-19 03:38 am UTC (link)
Delilah shrugged her shoulders and shoved her hands in her pocket the second he took the ring back from her. "I really didn't plan to, it just... sorta happened."

Thomas was really adorable when he turned all red, and she was trying her best not to smile at him as tried to figure out what to say. Obviously he didn't know what to do with this. Probably debating on whether or not to be angry with her.

"Well, I figure with the way I went about it, we're pretty much even. So don't worry about." This time Delilah gave him a small smile. "Besides its what I'm good at, being loud and intimidating and getting what I want."

She shifted her purse on her shoulder. "Anyways, I should probably go. I promised only two minutes and Henry will have a fit if he sees me here. Says he has enough quidditch drama without me adding to it." she was stalling. Giving him the chance to ask her to stay, or something. Honestly she wasn't sure what she was hoping for. "I'll see you around?"

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