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the lofty "axebanger" brookstanton ([info]incharge) wrote in [info]valesco,
With a frown at the rising voices, Axe waved his hand impatiently for silence. It almost sounded like they were starting to enjoy this. Or believe their views would at all account for his decision. Unacceptable!

"I don't," he started in. "Oh, hand-to-h—no! Goo—but no," but he was definitely taking that into account for next time. "This is a big decision. Bulstrode would be de facto captain, but I am irrationally upset and displacing anger at her for not initially unseating the bastard and thereby preventing all this—" he gestured wildly in front of him for a moment—"situation. Fiasco. So—" Axe waved his hand dismissively at Charlie, "you get your lucky shot. And this decision will be made as all the greatest and most difficult of decisions have been made."

Fishing in the depths of his robe pockets, he pulled out and held up for all to see a shiny silver Sickle. "Heads—Bulstrode gets it, tails—Spinnet."

Flipping it casually in the air, he slapped it down on the back of his hand and paused a moment for good, dramatic measure. Lifting his palm from his extended hand, he glanced down.

Axe's jaw dropped. "Oh—"

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