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Delilah Jane Spinnet ([info]takeyoudown) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2011-11-14 12:14:00

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Entry tags:charles spinnet, delilah spinnet

Perhaps Delilah was over reacting to this whole Tattler thing, but she really couldn't help it. She cared about her brother, and first there was the whole Germany thing now this. It seemed like a whole lot more than him just going out and having a good time. And no one else seemed to notice.

She threw another smoking pan into the sink full of water. Why did she even own pots and pans. Nearly everything she attempted to cook ended up in flames or black. Unless it was suppose to be black, then it turned some other color. Delilah didn't even know why she was bothering, she wasn't even sure Charlie was going to show up. She turned her back on the sink full of dishes and sulk off to the living room, sinking onto her couch, arms crossed.

Despite how mad she was at the moment, she did hope Charlie showed up. She was suppose to leave for a couple of weeks for a dueling tour that would take her across the Unites States. Which was great publicity right before the lull of the holiday season. But the whole trip would be less fun if she left not speaking to her brother.

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2011-11-15 12:36 am UTC (link)
He rapped his knuckles quickly on the door, eyes dropping down to his watch. This dinner needed to be over with ten minutes ago. Charlie knew that his sister was pissed at him, but that did not mean that he wanted to sit through an hour of probably not eating, and just fighting and arguing. He was an idiot; he was walking right into a big row with Delilah and she'd actually managed to guilt him into it. Perfect.

"Delilah, open up," he called out, growing frustrated. He did have plans and was trying his best to ignore any public scrutiny he might have. Charlie was sure that if he talked to the right people he could have this whole situation spun into a good light. The Tattler hadn't even been rude about it, really. Maybe they'd changed the velocity at which he was acquiring these women, but...they almost seemed impressed.

Just because all these other old, not as fit players seemed to be so put off by it didn't mean that Charlie had to be.

"Delilah!" he said with another knock.

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2011-11-15 05:23 am UTC (link)
Delilah startled a bit at the knock at the door. Apparently her brother was a brave Gryffindor after all, showing up knowing she was angry. She got up off the couch and went to the kitchen to pull out a pre-made dinner even she couldn't ruin and set it to heat up. There should be some sort of edible food in case this all didn't blow up and eating actually happened.

Her brother was also very impatient, unable to wait the two minutes it took her to do all that. "Good to know you can still make time for me after all." She said as she opened the door to let him in and then turned right back around to the kitchen.

"I do hope your girl of the moment will understand." she said bitterly as she pulled plates out of the cupboard. "But if she doesn't I'm sure you'll have no problems picking up a new one tomorrow night." Honestly Delilah could care less he was picking up fans in bars and having one night stands. Every once in a while it could be fun, and nice stress relief, she had moments of her own. It was really more of the quantity that bothered her. And the fact this seemed to be a nightly thing. Women were not underwear you changed on a daily basis.

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2011-11-16 08:52 pm UTC (link)
Charlie stayed in the door frame, watching his twin stalk about with a twisted frown on his face. He'd come because she was heading out of the country for three weeks and was not going to deal with her if that's what she was going to be like.

"If you're going to be stomping around and getting smart then I'm leaving," he said, his sunglasses sliding down his nose for a second before he pushed them back up. "No reason why I have to subject myself to one of your tantrums."

Honestly, he wasn't doing anything that 90% of the blokes in the league haven't done in their careers. He was just the latest flavor of the week for the Tattler, and he'd make his dues and then they'd move on to the next one. And who was he to really deny that he was getting so much action? Honestly, he was human, it wasn't really a girl every night, and though it was a good amount Charlie had heard worse. Maybe he just needed to be quieter about it.

"Are you done?" He leaned against the frame, crossing his arms. "Can I come in without getting my head bit off?"

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2011-11-17 04:52 pm UTC (link)
Delilah stopped opposite him, still standing in the kitchen. One hand on her hip and one hand leaning on the counter. She was no where near done, this was not something that could be just dropped and swept under the rug. But if she continued on, he would turn around and leave.

"Fine, just come in Charlie." She said with a sigh shoving her hair behind her ear. She frowned dishing out food for the both of them. She pulled out wine glass for herself and a beer for her brother.

She held it out for him, trying to end their current stare down. They were both stubborn, and when they were at opposing ends it could prove to be problematic. "Please. I'm not mad, I'm just worried about you." And a bit jealous, if she was honest. Charlie was to busy to spend time with her, but could make plenty of time for some random fans who would do anything for five minutes with him. "You don't talk to me anymore."

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