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Delilah Jane Spinnet ([info]takeyoudown) wrote in [info]valesco,
Charlie? then scott later maybe?
Delilah figetted alone in the lift as it rose up to the floor where the party was being held running at the very least thirty minutes late. Her duel that morning had run much later than she had anticipated and she ended up owling Charlie to tell him to go ahead with out her and she would meet him there. She was pretty sure that he wouldn't mind at all as even though he was taking her as his 'official' date chances were still good that she was going to be ditched by the end of the night anyways. Which was completely fine because she was definitely planning on going home with Scott anyways.

Which is why she just didn't understand why he threw such a fit over the dress she had originally picked out. Delilah would have never even shown it to him had she known that he would flat out refuse to even give her a ticket if she wore such a dress. When she finally managed to get home to change, she frowned at the dress Charlie had picked out for her to wear. Not that she didn't like it, because she did, but she just didn't want to wear a dress her brother picked out.

So she picked another dress that she had bought a few weeks back because she couldn't not buy it. Her reasoning being she would have a reason to wear it eventually and ta-da, here was such an event. She felt it was classy and elegant. It definitely made her feel regal. Here was to hoping Charlie felt the same as she walked into the room scanning the crowd for her brother.

She made he way over to him once she finally spotted him. "Hey, sorry I'm late. I hope you weren't terribly bored without me."

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