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r α κ ([info]flower) wrote in [info]valesco,
She didn't speak french! She didn't--- what-- why? What was going on? How were they--- Rose quickly pulled her hand to her chest, cupping the top of her wand with her hand. What was happening? With the smaller and light closer to her face, she could barely make out what Axe was doing. Instead she just heard the stifled, and downright strange noises that were coming from the other side of the lift. What--- was--- what was she supposed to do?! She-- he--- her voice felt thoroughly caught in her throat, and the fact that she had become stuck suspended in the air in a small metal box hadn't even settled yet. What--- her companion was most definitely freaking her out more than anything else.

Rose felt her knees begin to shake and her face heat as an impending anxiety attack began to bubble. What-- why was he so--- oh great Merlin she was going to die here. She began to take deep, long breaths in a vain attempt to control herself, and it worked only enough so that instead of diving into a full-blown panic attack, she stood stoically in muted terror.

Maybe--- should--- she--- talk to him? That was going to be very difficult, seeing as she had little within her to do so when he wasn't acting like a shifting werewolf (.... when was the last full moon?). So-- that--- yes. Was her mouth even functioning? This all was impossible! What was she even doing wasting her last precious moments thinking of accomplishing impossible things?

Eventually, she did extinguish her wand, creating the darkening effect like she had closed her eyes to calm herself. Apparently that had helped, because a couple of minutes later her mouth ran on its own.

"Areyoualright?" she squeaked, clutching her wand within her hands tightly.

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