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a n t o n ([info]antonins) wrote in [info]valesco,
Odette! His partner in the disaster that was the Mattias/Brand wedding. Tony had found himself so frazzled, so completely unsure of what to do that day that he'd lost most of his senses. Odette had managed to get him through the day and get the crowd out of the church. Then there was the reception to take care of so---so after years of avoiding each other and getting dirty looks shot at him because of the things Adrian had done to her in the past, Tony was finally able to truly consider Odette a friend.

"Dreamy?" he said, shaking his head. With his drink in his hand he pointed at Odette, a smirk on his face, "You think I look dreamy?"

Tony let out a laugh. Of course the first compliment of the night he received was from a married woman. Well no, Wendy had told him he looked adorable but she had her husband on her arm, and Carys had said he'd looked quite fit but she was a bajillion months pregnant, so no, it wasn't his first compliment, but it certainly felt like it because he could only take it so far. Tony hated feeling like this, but what the hell! He was a bitter, bitter bloke right now.

"If you'd said that to me in Hogwarts, oh boy," he said, shaking his head. Tony finished his drink, knowing he'd probably regret being so vocal, "I fancied you like mad at school, but your brother was a tremendous dick and wouldn't let me do anything about it, bless his soul."

Where was Adrian, anyway? They'd promised each other they wouldn't let themselves drown in self-pity, and look where he was. Tony scratched the back of his head, "Stella too, but nooo, said Mr. Mattias."

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