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h o l l y ([info]hollyharpie) wrote in [info]valesco,
Things were going to be different, but only so much that Holly didn't mind it. She'd agreed to marriage, which was much more official and serious sounding than 'boyfriend and girlfriend' which she loathed. Maybe that's why any of her past 'suitors' had never gotten very far, they'd always wanted to be labeled in these titles that didn't mean anything. Theo had gotten to the point, and Holly appreciated it.

She also had every intention to show off her engagement ring, as it was much bigger than the one Willow had received last year, and she definitely was not pregnant. It was all around a better situation than the now re-instated captain of the Harpies had been in. Bless Fairburn's soul, but Holly was a Slytherin through and through and she'd never be able to beat out the competitive side of her.

Being someone's wife had never been a true thought of Holly's, but she had grown used to the idea of relying on Theo and all those other things that came along with being in a relationship. She was also very much in love with his son, and what luck! She would now be able to be a mother without actually having to sit a season out, and the boy was splendid. Really, she couldn't have asked for anything better.

"Do not remind me as to why we're actually here," Holly drawled, but her arm remained firmly looped through his, "The Kestrels are full of dumb luck and I do not wish to catch any of it." Though she eyed the cup with great desire, Holly would rather be banned from flying than admit any sort of jealousy toward the champion squad.

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