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r α κ ([info]flower) wrote in [info]valesco,
Still not in complete control of herself, Rose gave a jumpy twitch to his bangs. How was she--- he was being very demanding! How was she--- anyone for that matter--- supposed to accomplish things when he was being utterly terrifying! If at least one thing came out of this, she knew she would never want to play for Kestrel after this.

And she had wanted to do that, but he had been the one to insist on being in the dark! How was she supposed to--- how had this suddenly become her task! He-- she--- this was ridiculous! In a wave of exhaustion, Rose's knees buckled together and she leaned heavily against the wall. Alright. Alright! She could-- do... this? At the very least, she trusted her wand.

Maybe she should sit down before she passed out, just in case.

As she slid, Rose felt the fabric of her dress bunch and catch on the wall, but she really couldn't--- do anything about it. It was the last thing on her mind. Being on the floor did feel better, maybe Axebanger was onto something with that. Taking a couple of deep breaths into her knees helped enough to collect herself to perform something.

Rose pointed to what she assumed to be the ceiling, producing the first spell that came to mind. She had even been hopeful! Until she watched it bounce back, then combust mid-air. Rose ducked her head as a reflexive response, but it was not necessary. That wasn't a good sign, was it? After a couple of other charms, Rose gave up in silent defeat, with them all reacting the same way. What else could she do? This lift was obviously warded against all spells, which made sense if you thought about it. A person could just get on, and then decide to plummet the entire thing if it wasn't, which was very unsafe. But unfortunate for their situation.

Well. Not particularly feeling like getting barked at for trying her best, she let out another sigh. Perhaps saying nothing at all had been a good first plan.

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