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sarah f. stebbins ([info]sarahs) wrote in [info]valesco,
"They are currently not up to my standards," she said, eyeing the flat to see if he had any large, empty spaces that would show he was shipping his belongings away to never be seen again. Berkeley may have come searching for her when she'd run off a few years ago, but who was to say that it wasn't a familial trait? What if Berk was ready to fly the coop now that there was something dramatic and huge coming into his life? She couldn't let her brother make the same mistake she did. Well--not a mistake, she had to get out of her house, but she didn't have to leave her brother so far behind.

"Have you seen Dexter?" Sarah asked, not beating around the bushes. She liked the girl well enough, she was quirky but she was smart, so she didn't just talk to talk. There was always a reason as to why Dexter said the things she did, and Sarah appreciated that, "You need to see her, have you seen her?"

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