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Berkeley Damian Darcy ([info]berkelisms) wrote in [info]valesco,
Berkeley watched his sister survey his living room with a frown. Sarah was such a little liar, using her pregnancy to get inside. He let the door swing shut and folded his arms across his chest in annoyance. She was here to meddle. Honestly, what right did she have to meddle in anything. He was the one who had to chase her across an ocean just to get a hello.

He winced slightly behind her back when she asked if he had gone to see Dexter, because, no he hadn't and he really didn't have plans to go before he left either. She seemed fine when they spoke, and didn't ask him to come or even when he planned to. If she had wanted him there, she would have asked. He was too busy at work to drop everything for a visit on the off chance it was wanted and now he had already arranged plans to go back home. A week wasn't a terribly long time to wait. "We've talked. She seemed fine, I doubt she needs me there to hold her hand the entire nine months, that could prove to be troublesome." he said offhandedly. Berk was glad he opted for wearing his flight suit for this trip, so it made it look like he was just going to work. "And I really do need to leave soon Sarah, so if you are just here to interrogate me then it can wait until I get back."

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