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Samantha Cadwallader ([info]eagerbeaver) wrote in [info]valesco,
Oh, right. Let's pull up the other female on the team first when there's something going on. That seems like the brilliant plan! Never mind that she was sinking the least in the quicksand compared to the two gentlemen. This was going to be a mess.

Samantha sighed and tugged on her rope to ensure that it was secure. "All clear on this end!" she called out, mentally prepping herself for the lift as well as what could be going on above them. She just wanted out of this god damn pyramid.

The rope around her waist was as uncomfortable as she had imagined, though it was a relief to not feel the slow sinking sensation anymore. When she hit the tiles, she used her upper body strength to pull herself over the edge just in time for the lights to dim even lower. Cursing to herself, she cast lumos before taking a quick look around. "The last thing we need is for the lights to go out. D'you have anything in your bag that we could use for a torch?" she asked Larkin carefully as she worked with her wand-free hand to untie the rope from her middle.

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