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h e n r y ([info]fictitious) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2008-03-25 22:24:00

Previous Entry  Add to memories!  Tell a Friend!  Next Entry
Characters: Liam Summerby and Lance Travis
Setting: Tuesday early evening, their flat.
Summary: Lance wants to change his name!
Rating/Status: PG-13

Lance wrinkled his nose at the contents of the icebox – it wasn't like it was empty or that the food inside was bad or gross, Lance just didn't feel like poking through it or cooking something. He just didn't want anything inside. It was one of those days, where Lance felt twitchy, well, twitchier than normal. Only it wasn't because of The Cat, or because of an impending date or anything that normally set him off. Liam was home, though, and while that made staying with The Cat easier, but it was more than that. Lance loved having Liam around. He was funny and interesting and intelligent. And currently reading a magazine on the sofa.

Lance smiled to himself and padded over to the sofa, standing on the far side from where Liam was sitting and gave Liam a grin, before bending over the arm and crawling across the cushions to the other man. He laughed a little, rolling onto his back and resting his head on Liam's thigh, looking up at him around the magazine.

Liam quirked a brow down at Lance, keeping a straight face. He watched him a moment before looking back to his magazine. He lost his place in the article he was reading, frowned slightly, then closed the magazine and tossed it onto the coffee table. He reached down and brushed a hand through Lance's hair. "Watcha doing, Monkey-Monkey," he asked, tilting his head.

Smug that he had won over whatever Liam had been reading, Lance arched his back a little, stretching his arms up before letting himself relax and letting out the air in his lungs with a woosh. Lance leaned into the touch and smiled, "Bothering you, of course. I wanted to get your opinion on something!"

"And what's that," he asked, giving him a curious look. Liam ruffled his hair a little before brushing it back away from his forehead. "If it's about you having a big forehead, the answer's yes," he teased, smoothing his hair back down and smirking.

Lance pouted a bit and batted Liam's hand away playfully and stuck out his tongue for a moment before sitting up. He scooted and twisted around so his knees were straddling Liam's thighs and he could look the other man in the face. "No more cheek from you, mister," he said, patting Liam's cheek and sticking out his bottom lip. "But I was thinking of changing my name."

"You love my cheek. Both of them," Liam said with another smirk. He then quirked a brow at Lance. "Why do you want to change your name," he asked. "Is something wrong?" He sat up a bit, putting his hands on Lance's hips, furrowing his brow. He was most likely jumping to conclusions, but he couldn't think of a good reason why he'd want to change his name unless something was wrong and he needed a new identity for some reason.

"Yesh I do," Lance baby-talked him, squishing Liam's cheeks together for a moment, and kissing the fish-lips. He let his hands fall onto Liam's shoulders and locked his fingers behind his neck, a little surprised at the alarm Liam was showing. It made his insides feel a little warmer and squirmier, but he had gotten good at ignoring those feelings.

"Wrong? What? No," Lance shook his head with a half-smile. "I was thinking that it was maybe time for a change. I was thinking Thor. What do you think about that? Living with a God."

Liam's insides relaxed, and he felt a little like laughing at himself. At least he didn't have to go find someone and beat the shit out of them. Well, at least not seriously think about it. He'd only do that if push came to shove and if he found Lance came home severely worse than when he left.

"I'm sorry, but this flat's only big enough for one god, and that role is already taken," Liam replied, a smug grin on his face. "You can be a demi-god maybe if you can convince Agamemnon to give up his title."

"Psh," Lance rolled his eyes but immediately went to looking for wherever The Cat was currently at. Knowing the placement and occupation of Agamemnon at all times was one of Lance's top goals. He sometimes failed at it though, the damn cat was so sneaky and Liam distracted him so much. "I think The Cat can share. Plus, I'd totally have my thunder hammer or something. Or lighting stick? I'm not sure. I don't really know who Thor is, I just thought it was a strong name."

Liam shook his head. "You can't be a god if you don't know anything about the god you want to be. Sorry. You lose. You'll have to stick to being Lance," he informed him. He nodded, keeping a serious look on his face. "And you can't share with him. Agamemnon does not share. He's an only child, you see, so it's not in his nature to share."
"Um, I'm totally a God," Lance poked Liam in the sternum, not hard, just enough to make his point though. "Just 'cause I don't know all the other gods doesn't mean anything. It just means I'm totally better than them. I don't have to bother 'cause I'm fierce and so much more godlike than them. And The Cat has to share you, so he's learning," Lance leaned forward and licked Liam's bottom lip, just to show him who was in charge, anyway.

Liam moved his head forward, pressing his lips to Lance's for a few seconds. He also grabbed hold of him and twisted around quickly to pin Lance down on the couch. "What's with the sudden desire to be a god anyway," he asked, cocking his head to one side. He poked his side gently, teasing him. "Are you dissatisfied with something? Hm? Are mortals not good enough for you now?"

Lance squeaked out of surprise but easily let Liam maneuver him and locked his legs around Liam's waist. He licked his bottom lip and tried to figure out a way to reverse this situation, without them landing on the floor. For some reason, he'd lost his control, and even though he didn't mind at all, he couldn't be expected to give up without a struggle though. Lance couldn't help but let out a slight giggle at the poking in his side – he wasn't ticklish, really he wasn't. Only at times when he was completely relaxed and let his guard down. "Well, there's only one mortal I can put up with and I don't think he's just a mere human, really."

Liam shifted a little to sit on his knees, resting his hands on Lance's thighs. "Shall I ring David Bowie and let him know this? I'm sure he'd be honoured. I have his number somewhere..." Liam glanced around as if thinking about where he put that telephone number. "'Course, can't remember where now, but I'm sure it's around," he said, looking back at Lance and smiling.

"Ew," Lance scrunched his nose and put his hands on Liam's face, dragging it to look at him and raised an eyebrow, "You're my mortal. The one I put up with, silly." He rolled his eyes again and leaned up to kiss him, this time a lot softer and sweeter. He broke off and pointed at the telephone, "Now mortal, order my supper."

Liam laughed, leaning back. "What happened to your godly powers, huh? You could just make it appear with your powers." He poked his side lightly again, nodding. "Really, I think you're just being a lazy god. Shame on you. All the other gods will laugh at you for this, you know."

"They will not," Lance locked his legs around Liam's waist a little more securely, bucking his hips up just enough to be playful and teasing. "And so what if I'm lazy? That's the whole point of being a god. The other gods won't laugh, they'll praise my ingenuity and the fact that I found a hunky mortal to do my bidding."

"Nope. They'd laugh." Liam nodded again. He then dropped down to lean close to Lance, shifting his hips to press back. "They'd laugh mostly because of your lack of specifics with your request. What if I brought you something you're allergic to? Plus, you really should say please and thank you. Just because you're a god doesn't mean you can't be polite," he chastised teasingly.

Lance licked his lips and dragged one hand from Liam's neck down his shoulder and chest and hooked his fingers in the waistband of Liam's trousers. "They would not laugh because I don't need to be specific. My manservant knows my tastes and allergies and I say my please and thank you in a different way." Lance grinned as he deftly unbuttoned the trousers with one hand.

Liam moved one hand over Lance's, holding it in place. "It's still nice to hear. Besides, what if I wanted to take you out?" he sniffed, feigning hurt. He sort of did want to go out to dinner, but that was beside the point. "I might have had plans, you know. Go out to dinner. Take in a film or a play. Do something completely silly and ridiculous like... bowling." He gave a lopsided grin, wondering where bowling came from.

"Oh," Lance said, trying to not look like he'd just been thrown a wobbly. Which he had. It was this kind of comfortableness that made him forget that he was supposed to ask these things, to know when Liam had plans so as not to impose on him. Lance gave a weak smile, buttoning the trousers back up and letting his legs drop so Liam could escape.

"Sorry, I didn't t-think. You should go. Bowling." Whatever the hell that was. "The Cat and I will just order something. Non-allergenic."

"You need to work on your listening skills, love. I mentioned taking you out and then plans." Liam leaned forward and kissed his forehead. "The hypothetical plans included you," he said, pressing his nose to Lance's for a moment. Then he pulled back, getting up.

"But if you'd rather hang out with Agamemnon, that could be arranged." He stretched bit as he stood.

Lance turned his head toward the couch as Liam got up and huffed a little. Why did things have to be so fucked up? He huffed a little and fiddled with his shirt that had ridden up a little. "I don't know when you have plans or not. And I don't know how to be bowling."

"I wanted to surprise you," he said softly. Liam then knelt down beside the sofa, brushing Lance's hair with his fingers. "Maybe not with all of that since I didn't know if you might have been busy, but with just going out to get something to eat at maybe the cafe down the street. And you don't be bowling; you go bowling. I'll take you some time if you want."

He turned on his side to look at Liam with an embarrassed blush, "Let's go out but I need to change my jeans these are all scrubby looking and I don't know about bowling, does it involve making bowls? Because I've tried throwing pottery once and I wasn't very good at it. Very, very messy."

Liam snorted and shook his head, amused. "No, it doesn't. It involves a ball and pins and knocking them down. And I've got to get shoes and my wallet anyway, so I'll meet you at the door in a minute?"

Lance gave Liam a skeptical look, "Are you sure this isn't some kind of kinky sex game because I'm not sure I want pins anywhere near my balls, thank you very much," he said sitting up and grabbing Liam by the back of his head and kissing him hard. If they were going out into public, even the muggle world, they had to remain cautious so he needed to get his sugar in now. He gave Liam a dopey grin as he pulled away and jumped up, "Be right there!"

Liam laughed and shook his head at Lance, pushing himself up and standing straight again. He watched him a moment before heading off to his room to get his shoes and wallet. Sometimes, he wondered what game he was playing at, but right then, he shoved those thoughts away. He could think about them while dozing off to sleep or having a shower, not now when he was about to go out to dinner and have a nice time with his Lance.

He snatched his wallet from his night stand drawer, tucking it into his back pocket. Then he slipped his shoes on, laced them, and made a quick detour to the bathroom closet. He touched his hair up and checked the rest of himself out. Satisfied, he then left and headed downstairs to meet Lance and head off to dinner.

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