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м c h α l ([info]conways) wrote in [info]valesco,
"Excellent," Michal grinned, unceremoniously dropping himself in the empty chair next to Seth. Wedding receptions were great, one of the few social gatherings that he always enjoyed because they went one of two ways: either he didn't have a date, and had a whole selection of relatively influential group of witches to choose from, or he did have a date, which allowed practically full snogging, groping, etc. access at all times because how could you not at a wedding? And he enjoyed that.

He was very sure Therese enjoyed that too, or else she would have certainly slapped him for how progressively forward he'd gotten with her throughout the night.

But, they had separated for the time being, which Michal was perfectly fine with, because he did have other things to tend to. Like his miserable looking best friend, sitting lonesome like some awkward fifteen-year old that wasn't currently apart of the team in the number one spot going into the playoffs. What was that about? Seth should be celebrating. Or at least be enjoying what would be the last few hours of personal freedom, with how grueling playoffs were going to be this year.

Nope, unacceptable.

"Who's first?" Michal asked, kicking his feet up under the table and lounging his arm across the back of Seth's chair.

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