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Kendall Jackson Broadmoor ([info]kjbroadmoor) wrote in [info]valesco,
Kendall wasn’t quite sure if Rose was being sarcastic with him or not, as he had no hand whatsoever in helping pick out Thomas’ house. He studied her face for a moment deciding that the offer to go look at houses was legit. Looking down at his attire and then back up to Rose, “I don’t know what you are talking about, I think I look just fine.” His eyes squinted slightly as he grinned at her.

Making his way to his room to grab suitable clothes. Pulling on a shirt he called back out into the other room, unsure if she was following. “Where are you looking? Wouldn’t happen to looking at moving back to Ireland would you? Suppose you have new reasons now.” He leaned his head out the door to wink at Rose, before going back to changing.

Walking back out to the living room in now fully dressed, he gave her a small spin on his heel. “Does this meet your requirements of ‘real clothes’?”

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