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r α κ ([info]flower) wrote in [info]valesco,
She had been inspecting some appetizing-looking food over the kitchen sink when Kendall called from the other room, and blessed with having her back already turned to him, Rose rolled her eyes. He really was rather subtle, wasn't he? And, she wondered, how could he be so sure of anything? She shook her head. Though, she supposed, she may as well begin preparing herself for an afternoon of this, because if she knew Kendall, she knew the best way to deal with any interest he had would be through amusing him.

Well, not for the best; lest painful? Mildly entertaining with a hint of horrifying.

Good Practice? Good Practice.

So, as Kendall waltzed back into the kitchen, Rose turned to face him innocently. She nodded, thinking yes, a set of robes did count as real clothes so he should be proud of himself for achieving that. People tended frown upon indecent exposure in public, didn't they? Rose pulled her lips back, and tried her best at appearing disinterestedly unbothered.

"Why would I want to leave Wales for Ireland?" She looked at his carefully for a few moments, before redirecting her gaze back to the bowl of fruit in her hands. Brow arching, Rose shrugged before beginning to nibble on a grape. "What reasons?"

She stopped chewing, sticking her hand out to him almost immediately. "Trade rumors?" Rose asked seriously, only partly believing the change of topic she had created.

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