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Grail Yates ([info]a_bit_twisted) wrote in [info]valesco,
Quidditch had never seemed more interesting to him. He sure as hell hadn't been paying much attention to Madame Hooch when she would ramble on about joining the house team each year. At one point he had even mentioned to Scarlett that he had never even tried out. He told her it was because he wasn't into team activities, which was partially true. The real reason he had never tried out for the team was because he knew he had a temper and would probably have wound up getting expelled for knocking someone off their broom.

Surprisingly enough, Grail enjoyed his time at Hogwarts. He wasn't the best student in the world, but he would have much rather been at school than be stuck at home with his family. He actually couldn’t wait to go back once the holidays were over, and he had been forced to spend time with his ‘loved ones’. Even as a young boy, Grail had felt like he wasn’t supposed to be born into his family. It wasn’t the way they treated him, it was just that he had absolutely nothing in common with either of his parents or his siblings, save for a few physical features that made it clear they were related.

Taking a sip of his drink, he looked passed her to the clock on the wall when she asked her question. He hadn’t even realized how much time had passed, and his brows raised in surprise at the realization. He looked back at her, still leaning against the bar. Over time he had gotten closer to her, though he hadn’t crossed any boundaries he thought she might not want him to cross. Still, it was taking a lot of self restraint on his part to not just kiss her like he had been wanting to do since the night of the charity event. At the end of the day, she was still Devon’s best friend, and therefore he was trying to behave. Didn’t mean it was easy.

“If I remember correctly, we were supposed to go flying once I’d been properly educated on the rules of the game. I vaguely remember something about cherries and a lime...”

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