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s c a r l e t t ([info]rabastans) wrote in [info]valesco,
She had moved to the country to get away from the loud noise of the city. When Scarlett had played on the international circuit, life had been quiet and beautiful; she'd never stayed on a team long enough for the fans to get crazed like they do here in Great Britain, which allowed her to be a homebody and go to the store without being mobbed by photographers. London hadn't been like that, not close at all, but this view? Scarlett felt her breath get taken away at the sight. She'd looked over the city hundreds of times, but tonight it seemed like a whole new world.

Oh, hell, she really did fancy Grail.

Because it was the same city that she'd seen hundreds of times. The only difference about tonight was that she was spending it with someone who interested her, who made her want to step out from behind the walls she'd built around herself. She fancied him! Scarlett reckoned she owed Devon a few galleons for being so spot on with her matchmaking.

Her heart started beating fast as she came to this conclusion, and her hand involuntarily tightened around his. Merlin, she really had no idea about how to be in something like this. On a date? In a--thing? All Scarlett knew was that she didn't want him to let go of her hand and she didn't want to move from this spot.

Scarlett turned to him, stepping close. As shy as she was when it came to men and relations, she also liked getting what she wanted.

"You can kiss me if you want," she said, a smile crossing her face.

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