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¤ α н r ¤ ([info]starcrossed) wrote in [info]valesco,
It was starting to get close to midnight, and Adian felt himself becoming concerned (yes, that was the word) about how exactly he was supposed to execute the most epic of New Year's Eve snogs if the intended recipient was nowhere to be found. Lottie had been running here and there all night, as was right, and for the most part swung around every once in a while to check in, but now... Adian fidgeted with his mask. Nowhere to be seen. He had even taken to standing awkwardly off toward the side of the dance floor, as if waiting for a bright neon sign from above to direct him toward his date, in hopes of catching a wave of Lottie's auburn hair, but no luck.

He flirted with the idea of taking his mask off and roaming for a bit, but after experiencing Lottie's deep displeasure over catching a couple with no masks on at all, Adian knew it would not be within his best interest for him to find her without it. That made things much more difficult, and so it was with a heavy sigh that he mustered his legs forward into the crowd. He would find her, he was sure of it--- it was meant to be! He had a plan, things were going to happen, build off of tonight, and...

As he thought to himself, Adian felt his heart begin to pump and his limbs jump to life. Yes! This was exactly what he should be doing, finding the right witch to kiss at midnight, and he would know her when he saw her because---

Adian looked up toward the ceiling as the first loud chime counting down to the new year rang through the room. It was happening already, and he hadn't found her! A sort of frenzied energy filled him, and with every gong Adian felt his heart and brain race faster and faster. He wasn't even sure what he was looking for anymore, just that he'd know what it was when he found it.

And what was--- whoa. Adian stopped dead in his tracks, gaze landing upon undoubtable who he had been looking for. A holy pure being had stepped before him, practically engulfed in unadulterated light, and all he could think about was that this had been what he'd been looking for--- her in white. It was as if singing had filled his ears and the crowd had parted just so he could gaze upon her.

Because she had obviously been searching for him too, it was without hesitation that Adian reached forward to hold the side of her face, and kiss her with a bit more vigor than he had any witch in a while.

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