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Cassandra Parkinson : Socialite ([info]cassandras) wrote in [info]valesco,
After a rather dismal year on the romantic side of things, Cassandra easily fell into the role of the third-wheel with some of her friends. She'd still moved around the party, of course, but she always seemed to be pulled back to Estella's side after each dance Estella managed to twist out of Caden, which was certainly a feat, honestly.

"Almost midnight," Cassandra noted with a sigh Caden approached, seemingly out of thin air. Honestly, she ought to know better, if she really wanted a kiss, all she had to do was find a single bloke, but those seemed hard to come by these days.

Which was why she should kiss Caden, obviously. It made complete sense and Estella would surely be willing to share him. They were friends, after all.

"Happy New Year, you gorgeous thing," Cassandra purred as the clock chimed midnight and she moved to kiss Caden firm and deep, until her toes curled and her shoe lifted in delight.

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